Red Deer Elections
For City Councillor
City of Red Deer
A former Oil Sands worker I left the industry in 2015 and I currently work as a Mental Health Worker here in the city. I have years of experience working alongside people living with addiction, mental health concerns, and those experiencing homelessness. I envision a Red Deer where everyone’s voice counts, a Red Deer that embraces the principles of ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, non-violence, sustainability, and respect for diversity. Unite and move Red Deer forward!
Affordable Housing and Revitalization of Downtown | Encourage the creation of affordable housing units in the downtown core, increase housing density, to bring more people to the downtown. We need a vibrant core and increased housing would be an important step in bringing people back downtown. |
Building a better Red Deer for Everyone | We must do better to help marginalized and racialized communities, people who use drugs, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, immigrants, refugees, and the disabled. We need to do better as a city to make all feel welcome and that they belong, because they do! |
Safe and Secure Communities | Addressing poverty is the most effective strategy to reducing crime and homelessness, tackling our poisoned drug crisis, and improving the safety of our communities. We must create a city run outreach service and implement a housing first strategy. |
Sustainable Jobs and Economy | In January, the Red Deer unemployed rate sat at 8.2%. Our local economy is too beholden to the Oil & Gas sector, we need to diversify Red Deer’s economy to bring in new sustainable industries not tied to oil and less destructive to our ecosystem. |
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