Information for Candidates

Submit your Notice of Intent

All potential candidates must complete the notice of intent form. Candidates who plan to run can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once their notice of intent is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates.

Nomination Process

Once a potential candidate has submitted their notice of intent, they may begin the nomination process.

Who Can Run?

Learn what is required to run for Mayor, Council or Trustee with Red Deer Public Schools or Red Deer Catholic Schools.

Campaigning Guidelines

Learn about campaigning including contributions, expense disclosure, advertising, and signage.

Resources for Candidates

These resources may help prospective candidates understand and navigate the election process.

Important Dates

September 22, 2025 (at noon) Deadline to file nomination papers
September 22, 2025  Election signs permitted on public property
Election Sign Placement Guide (pdf)
October 14 – 18, 2025  Advanced Voting days
October 20, 2025 Election Day

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